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How We Can HelP

eduFAB is positioned to support schools, districts, and out of school-time programs to fully integrate digital makerspaces into their curriculum, school, and culture. We can build an individualized package to include thought leadership and partnering, strategic consultation and planning, technology recommendations and materials curation, teacher training and leadership, and also program evaluation and assessment. Read more about our services here and contact us for more information.


Thought Partners

eduFAB stays informed with the latest academic research and literature surrounding digital makerspace integration. . .

Liz meeting with teachers to train them in makerspaces
Teacher Training

Teachers need support in technical, pedagogical, and content knowledge areas to authentically integrate these tools for learning. . .

Two people with a laser cut wood project
Technology Curation

There is no one-size fits all inventory list for educational makerspaces. Each school, program, and student centered approach needs specific. . .

3D Printer printing multiple blocks
Assessments & Evaluation

What improvements can be made to support this type of learning? eduFAB can design and evaluation questions for you and your. . .

Two teachers collaborating in a classroom. part of the "strategic consultation" card.
Strategic Consultation

Districts who are looking to develop a robust STEM, STEAM, or makerspace curriculum can partner with eduFAB for research. . .

grey crinkled paper background

Schedule an Appointment

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